
First Colony Tombstone Cupboard: ready for a new release?

Dear Liberty Hill Fans,
Carolyn will be ready soon with something new, totally different from anything she painted before. Now on preorder on Silver Needle (see on the left for the link...), there is her newest release that will be ready on late September.
Here' pictures of this new beauty:

It's a pure delight!!! As Silver Needle's describes, it's a miniature cupboard with a tombstone angel painted on its outside lid, in black color over pumpkin tones, that guards a list of what "lies" inside the cupboard itself...
Opening the door, every stitcher will find wonderful sewing smalls ready to give more accent to every work in progress, stored on a small shelf:
a thread board, an envelope with needles, 2 thread winders and a lovely fob. All handpainted!!! Price: $64.00.
But you have to be quick.... Carolyn will release only 300 of this little wonders!

Well... I will try to interview Carolyn about it... just stay tuned if you want to know more about some behind the scene details!!

1 comment:

Margaret said...

Claudia, I just love it! But of course, I'm a Liberty Hill fan. :D